Keep your Powder Dry and Vote for Freedom

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Over Regulation – What Good is it doing?

Over Regulation – What Good is it doing?

Dear Congressman Jay Inslee
The biggest problem we have with government is there is too much government.
This oil pipe line deal is just another example of governerment over sight in the proper use of toilet paper
And the need for government to install cameras in every home and business to monitor mandated uses procedures.
Adding to cost over runs and delays in getting the job done.

And another example that has been report is the federal response to the tornado Damage in the south east.
Where is FEMA? They will be sending evaluations teams out to see what I already know from watching the news.
Namely every thing is gone. They might get there in a few week.

Who is helping now? “We The People are”! and doing a dam fine job.
Where is our government, are they totally absent? NO!
It would be better if they were.
Are They Helping people? NO!
Our wonderful government is there, as a first response in an emergency,
to over see the hand washing of the volunteers.
Volunteers from churches and even the neighbors, who themselves need assistant,
at their own expense are trying to get the victims something to eat.
It is good to see that they will all have clean hands in any case.

Governerment takes to long
Cost more money in all the programs and over sight and counting and allocating and
paying themselves to dam much money.
We the people under authority of the tenth amendment can do a far better job and
are doing a far better job than our wasteful governerment.
Mr. Congressman We need to cut out 40% of the federal budget
instead of over taxing the people who have the money to hire the people who are out of work.

A good place to start is the EPA that is an unregulated entity
that has been give its power by a congress
that has abdicated it’s responsibly to make laws by common consent. 
Over regulation and fines that have put the industry in this county on the ropes
are the result.

Another good to cut out all together place is FEMA. Arkansas and Mississippi had their schools running in half the time it took Louisiana and New Orleans,
that lead the cries of the lacking support from FEMA –
Oh Yes like everything else that has gone wrong since it was all Bushes fault,
I forgot about that.
FEMA is a waste of money.
If we the people have to do it any way and we are already doing a better job,
why should we send our dollars to Washington D.C. to feed all the (Expletives Deleted) and over paid bureaucrats? 

The Two biggest threats to freedom and free market capitalism in this country remain

(1) The apathy of those who do not VOTE
(2) The ignorance of the majority who do VOTE
The rest of our problems are just the symptoms.

And you wonder why the doctor told me to stop watching the news unless
I am overly medicated to a state of near coma toast.
Yes toast - Well done with butter on both sides.

Like Hank Williams Jr. Said

"The United Socialist States of America how do you like that Name.
I'll keep the U.S.A and Ya'll can keep the change."

Keep you powder Dry and Vote for Freedom.
Yours as always
          Edward Uncle Sam'sSon DeFeller 

One more question on the toilet paper issue.
Is the governerment going to steal from us to pay for the cameras
and insulation
or do the costs come under the heading of another unfunded mandate.
What about those on welfare and are unemployed will they be
subject to the same fines and imprisonment as the rest of us?

From: Congressman Jay Inslee [] 
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 8:05 AM
To: eddefeller@
Subject: From Congressman Jay Inslee
March 5, 2012

Mr. Edward Phillips
Silverdale, Washington 98383

Dear Mr. Phillips:

Thank you for contacting me regarding your support for the
proposed expansion
of the TransCanada Corporation's Keystone XL oil pipeline.
I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

As you may know, on January 19, 2012,
President Obama rejected rapid
approval of the Keystone XL oil pipeline. 
The president stated that the decision
was not based on the merits of the pipeline,
but rather the fact that the February 21, 2012
decision deadline prevented the State Department
from gathering the necessary information
to both approve the project and protect the
American people. 
I believe that a decision of this magnitude requires a close look
at the impacts to the economy and environment. 
I will be sure to keep your thoughts in mind
as the decision process moves forward. 
I share your concern about America's dependence
on foreign oil and
I have been working in Congress toward
policies that can jumpstart a clean energy economy
and create local jobs. For example, I pushed for the
funding included in the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
that has funded domestic manufacturing
of advanced battery systems for electric vehicles.
I also introduced the Domestic Fuel
for Enhancing National Security Act (H.R. 1847),
which will enable the Department of Defense to
enter into longer-term contracts
to purchase advanced biofuels that can be grown
and refined in Washington state.
You may be happy to know that I am an
original cosponsor of H.R. 890,
American Renewable Energy Act of 2009.
H.R. 890 would create a national Renewable Electricity Standard
(RES) to increase renewable electricity use to 25 percent by 2025.
Adopting a RES of 25 percent is estimated t
o create more than 185,000 green jobs by 2020.
Moreover, because each wind turbine requires
between 220 and 400 tons of steel
to produce and workers to produce and maintain them,
a federal RES can create many thousands
of American jobs. Additionally, some studies indicate
that adopting a RES is projected
to save consumers money by reducing their energy costs.
For example, one such study showed that adopting
a national standardof 25 percent
is projected to save consumers $94 billion by 2030 by
lowering natural gas and electricity costs.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me
about such an important issue.
For news on current federal legislative issues,
please visit my website at
where you can also sign up to receive my e-newsletter.
My office is here to serve you, so please feel
free to contact us in
Shoreline at 206-361-0233
or in Washington, D.C.
at 202-225-6311 for assistance.
Very truly yours,
             JAY INSLEE
        Member of Congress
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if it was not sent to you
from my Congressional Email Account:
If you have any questions about the validity of this message,
please contact me at my web site
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