Keep your Powder Dry and Vote for Freedom

Gun Free Zone????

      In light of the latest School Shootings I wanted to take another look at the Issue of Gun Free Zones

Is this a good Idea?

      "The U.N. study omits mention of Switzerland, which is awash in guns and has substantially lower murder and robbery rates than England, where most guns are banned."

    "What America can learn from Switzerland is that the best way to reduce gun misuse is to promote responsible gun ownership."

Examples of good choices of Gun control in Israel


The Two biggest threats to freedom and free market capitalism in this country remain

(1) The apathy of those who do not VOTE
(2) The ignorance of the majority who do VOTE
The rest of our problems are just the symptoms.

And you wonder why the doctor told me to stop watching the news unless
I am overly medicated to a state of near coma toast.
Yes toast - Well done with butter on both sides.

Like Hank Williams Jr. Said

"The United Socialist States of America how do you like that Name.
I'll keep the U.S.A and Ya'll can keep the change."

Keep you powder Dry and Vote for Freedom.

Yours as always
          Edward Uncle Sam'sSon DeFeller