Oh-Bummer winning is the Best Thing After All
Could this really be better than we could have planned? Before you get out the ropes and break down
my door to take me over to the nearest tree, hear me out.
This reminds me of an old farmer in China years ago or as the story goes.
This reminds me of an old farmer in China years ago or as the story goes.
Many years ago an old man lived on a poor farm and had one old horse. One night the barn caught fire and all he had went up in smoke except his one old horse that could not even pull a plow. Then to top it off the next night the old horse ran off.
The following morning the neighbor came over to consoling the old guy and said "Oh you have had such misfortune, first ever thing is lost in the fire and now even your old horse is gone."
The old Farmer asked "How do you know?"
The next morning the old horse returned with a great number of wild mares following him and the neighbor returned to congratulate the old man on his change of fortune, saying "My have the gods smiled on you this day just look at this great blessing".
The old man again questioned his neighbor saying "How do you know"?
The next day while trying to train the wild mares the son fell off and broke his leg and again the neighbor returned, see what had happened, said "Oh how much misfortune you have had just when there is all this work to be done your poor son breaks his leg, how tragic for you".
And again the old man asks, "How do you know"?
The next after noon the army came through on a forced recruitment drive and takes away all the fit young men and all the serviceable horse".
Many of you are now crying, Obama and his fellows have woe the
election. We have seen what he did the first time and the only bi/partisanship
we got was when the weak kneed Republicans copulated to the lies and promises
that has lead us down this road of faults Hope and Change for last forty years I have been paying attention. What a miss fortune we
have had is now lamented as we can see the fires burning on the piers where they
plan to burn the constitution and finally rid themselves of that pesky Second Amendment.
What would have most likely happen if we had won this time?
Most likely those who now claim victory would try and shout
down any possible change of direction. They are good at that. They have already sent up their cries
and laments about how the evil Tea Party has held the Republican Party
hostage. They have whined that the Tea Party as taken over the Republican Party
just like the communists have taken over the Democratic Party, while we were a
sleep thinking all was well.
Where else would
we be if we had won this battle but in a more bitter fight to hang on to less and less hope of survival
for the way of life we cherish.
But if wishes were horses fewer beggars would
be walking.
Our worse fears are now upon us.
God help us, it is sure now that no one in Washington D.C.
is going to. How far do you think they
can go without our cooperation, like running down to register our guns making it
easier for them to find our last means of protection? With 90 guns out here for every
100 people living here, they have a job on their hands.
Clinging to our
scriptures and our guns is not such a bad idea.
What do you think?
The biggest problem I have seen is the crime found in
learning that 2/3rds of the Republican donors are not even registered to vote. We
can hope that as the ground begins to fall from under their feet as we draw
nearer to the brink of destruction more of them will wake up and join in and we
can hope that some of the others just might change sides.
Now as I hear you lament on how tragic things are and I have
to admit I have one of that number, I ask "How do we know that this has not
been part of the greater plan all along".
I see that the dark black skies are turning purple over on the edge to the east and the sun will
again rise. But the cold winds of
adversity will blow even harder as the sky grows lighter.