Is My Sacred Liberty Tree Dying
I awoke that morning and sought naught but the shade under the Liberty Tree. To my shock and surprise, there under the tired old limbs of the Sacred Tree the sun that day still shone brightly. I said in my heart "Oh say it is not true! Is my Sacred Liberty Tree Dying? I saw in its three noble and lofty branches naught but dry rot, decay and lying. Then I look at the roots for the source and what might be at the heart of the problem. The roots which were the voices of the people were but a chaos of and cause for the sickness. The roots no longer gave life to the branches of the tree but instead stood only to drain of the branches their life. The voices of the people no longer rang in support for Liberty but instead to steal from the freedom others by demeaning the payment of unearned treasure and sobbed for security. All around me the unwashed slept in the streets crying to be feed. No longer did they wish to labor for their bread and bed.
My soul wept in fear and cried silently.
What can I do? What Pray Tell Must be Done?
Then I heard a still small voice that came crying, just above a whisper, so softy only my heart could hear. "The Tree of Liberty Must be Refreshed from Time to Time with the Blood of Patriots and Tyrants", came the sounds of the first voice. Then another voice rang out as clearly as the first saying "The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance."
"We the people"
By having a "Government of the People, and By the People, is the only way that "We the People" will get a government that is "For the People." What that looks like is only limited to what WE THE PEOPLE "mutually pledge to each other in our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor" to make happen. If we sit back flipping channels with our remote yelling a the T.V. complaining how the other fellow is making it work for himself. Watching as he takes it all from the rest of us to make it work is not where it is at for me. But a revolution of one is just another dead smock and life just mows all of us over as we walk in line under the Iron Gate that reads "Work Will Make You Free". But United as one voice of "WE THE OF PEOPLE", there has been no force in history that has ever come to bare that has ever stopped the will of the people; people willing and united in defend their Life and Liberty onto the shedding of blood if necessarily. We may well have no need to go to war but we can if we must. Mahatma Gandhi comes to my mind for some reason right now. And again the voice comes saying; "Is not the pen is mightier than the sword?"
Edward Uncle Sam'sSon DeFeller