Saint Hillary for President?
As I gaze in to my crystal ball I see St. Hillary of Arc
coming out unsullied by a primary on September 7th as savior of the Democratic
Party in light of Obama's 25% approval ratings.
You thought when you saw the Greek God Obama's came out of his Greek pillars
was Spectacular, just wait and see how triumph St. Hillary of Arc comes forth
to except her "You should have Elected me last time" nomination.
Nothing short of the Nuremberg rallies in 1936 could rival in grandeur. Having had Obama do the heavy lifting
preparing the ground work for the Post American World she will make Obama her
Secretary of State, since he has a proven record of kissing up to the heads of
state in the Middle East.
Hillary could not have ran for president in 2008 because the
evil Right Wing conspiracy,that only she knew about, would have relentlessly and
savaged sabotage her bid for any office other than for dog catcher in her home
town of New York City. But with only weeks left before the election in November
2012, out of the smoke of the fire works will come forth St. Hillary to step in to
save the Glorious Democratic Party from going down to defeat at the hands of
the evil Republicans, who's only platform is to kill Granma by taking away Granny's hard won health care, that St. Hillary had championed long before the up start God Obama came
along. Worse than that those Vial
defenders of freedom and free enterprise, that got us into this mess in the
first place, want to prevent you for having your god given choice of killing your
unborn child, if you find being pregnant inconvenient. St. Hillary all ready has the woman's vote of those
who think that it is about time for a woman to occupy the white house, even
if that would makes Bill the First Dude. With
the vote for Ron Paul, who walks on water and thinks it is a good idea to allow those in
Iran, who straps bombs on school age girls, should have a nuclear option, St. Hillary should be a shoe in the (Exspitive Deleted) of every American. With the Ron
Paul vote sucking the wind out of the sails of any other republican nomination St.
Hillary may even get as high as 39% of the vote, beating Bills records of
43%. The question is can Ron Paul get the needed 23% of vote to leave the
republicans one vote short after three counts and a few lost absentee ballots in New York
city being added to the recount. [1] What a glorious day it will be in a post
American World when women will finally be free of the horrible effects of
pregnancy. Will there be the stoning of
the very Gays who saw Hillary as on of their own and helped her get into office
will remand to be seen.
Of course this is the same crystal ball that predicted Hillary
shooting Obama, Biden, and Pelosi to become Dictator for life after declaring
martial law and every white gun owner as a member of the great right wing
conspiracy and an enemy of the state.
But do you think it is as crazy at it looks?
And Vote for Hillary
And We Can’t Drill In ANWR – We Don’t Want To Disturb The Animals
The Two biggest threats to freedom and free market
capitalism in this country remain
(1) The apathy of those who do not VOTE
(2) The ignorance of the majority who do VOTE
The rest of our problems are just the symptoms.
And you wonder why the doctor told me to stop watching the
news unless
I am overly medicated to a state of near coma toast.
Yes toast - Well done with butter on both sides.
Like Hank Williams Jr. Said
"The United Socialist States of America how do you like
that Name.
I'll keep the U.S.A and Ya'll can keep the change."
Keep you powder Dry and Vote for Freedom.
Yours as always
Edward Uncle
Sam'sSon DeFeller
[1] The
added recount vote is an inside joke for those who remember the 2008
Gubernatorial race in Washington state.