Money is the Nation's Life Blood
Money is the sap of our Liberty Tree and the Nation's Life's blood - the red blood cells in you will - of our nation's economy. Deep in the earth under mountains and plains are nutrients of industry the iron, copper and oil. Around the base of our liberty tree are the grasses of labor and industry that generate the nutrients to sustain our life as freemen. Sweat is the water that is needed to keep things moving. When the limb and branches of our liberty tree over shadow the grasses and bushes of industry the grasses die and with it the tree. The energy comes from the sun and when the branches of government over shadow the grasses of industry through over regulation of energy, the grasses dye and the nation becomes dry and unfruitful. When there is too little shade, energy is turned to greed and the nation becomes dry an unproductive.
We are at a point when the branches of government, who see it as their job to make bigger government, are over shadowing the grasses of industry. The root of government reach deep under the grass and are sucking out the life's blood of industry and the grasses and bushes are dying. To little sweat falls to sustain the growth of the grasses because there are no new jobs created by a growing economy. Our current distress is found in the over reach of government in over regulation and by the meddling of those who would have our government in total control of our nation. The over taxation of the peasants who grew the grain and supplied the work force to support the economies of conquest for centuries kept the people in object poverty and servitude. But when the powers of industry of The People and by The People were unleashed for The People, well need I say more? Just compare the log cabins of a new frontier unfettered by the king's taxes and see where we have come since 1793. Look where the world has been brought in that time, from the stagnation of oppressive government to the liberty of free market capitalism. Yes I am among the ones who cling to my guns and my scriptures because by God I do have a love affair with free market capitalism and I am proud to say I am an American that is free to "GET- HER DONE".
As our founding father's searched for a new model to form a new government, for a new nation they borrowed many of the provision of the Iroquois Confederacy. The founding fathers fail to provide for one very important provision found in the government of Iroquois Confederacy however. The laws of the Iroquois Confederacy were required to be re-voted on every year. The unpopular, the unproductive and the unnecessary by design or just neglect were lift behind or taken out. It is Time for WE THE PEOPLE to stand up and do a bit of serious pruning high and low in the Branches of government that are now over shadowing the energy of free enterprise and get the sweat once again running in our nation. We need to chop out the dead wood and dry rot of over regulation and Corny Capitalism that picks the winner and losers to profit only themselves and their friends.
"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.?"
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson