Keep your Powder Dry and Vote for Freedom

Stop It I have had enough!

Dear Congress

Stop It I have had enough!

Stop the legislative black mail and brinkmanship.

You sit around wasting time forcing one party to give, while your party only wants to take.
You pile in garbage and dare the other side to vote against it in their effort to pass what they want. 
You sit around saying you want to decrease the size of the national debt.
While you have not passed any budget much less a balanced budget in over three years.   

Pass No bills that are too large too be read on the floor.

Pass No law that dose not equally apply to the people and congress.

No one in congress should be paid more than the average tax payer.

You complain that the Tea Party is holding congress hostage Now!

Remember what Happened when our last King who ignored the cries of the people who held the first Tea Party.  

My Fellow Patriots will be coming for you on the day of our next revolution, November 9th 2012, if you have not managed to collapse the whole of the union before hand.  Barney Fife architect of the Fanny and Freddy melt down has already seen the hand righting on the wall and will not run for congress again. I would suggest you all take and follow his lead and save your selves the money.

Edward Phillips