Keep your Powder Dry and Vote for Freedom

Headline News Nov 2016

Headline News Nov 2016

        97% vote in support of Obama's third term in record voter turn out with new on-line voting. 126% of the nation wide population turned out to their corner internet kiosk to vote.

      U.N. troops from China, Russia, and Iran clash in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas with non-minorities who continue to protest in their effort to disenfranchise the undocumented worker vote.  China pledges another 500,000 new troupes before the end of January in an effort to quite the unrest and to restore Law and Order.

     Washington State elects the first undocumented work from Iran to the office of Governor getting 120% of the 135% state wide voter turnout.  53% of the state wide Voters were from King County

      In his victory speech last night President Obama announced his new program for 20 new re-education camps for those who have not yet had the opportunity to go to a collage of their choice.

       Department of Labor reports nation wide unemployment is down to 2% who are now being round up. Some question these findings which may be slightly higher due to the unrest in the south west making it difficult to keep track of the non-minority protesters.

       As part of President Obama's "Cost More Use-Less" Energy policy of mandating, by executive order, that all workers live within in walking distance of work, we have no need to drill for more oil and the work to remove all the fish killing hydroelectric dams can be accelerated.
       Big brake through in alterative food sources announced today from the Department of Aquaculture. A new kelp, algae and sorbent green by-product is found popular with test subjects in the re-education camps.

        For public safety a new mandatory GPS implant will be required to eliminate the need for Amber Alerts.  

       That is all for now from your free press who continue to report on the latest in government relished News.