Keep your Powder Dry and Vote for Freedom

Friday, December 9, 2011


I would like to announce my candidacy for the opposition party.

I am apposed to all this.

               If Elected the first thing I will do is take "In God We Trust" off all the money and replace it with "IT IS ONLY IN GOD WE TRUST."

         Some banter around words that have different meanings, Like Invest when they mean Spend - Let taxes cuts expire when they mean raise taxes. When it comes to the Un-Untied Nations they say we will have a new era of Cooperation when they really mean to finally copulate and send to the UN-United Nations 1.8 percent of our GNP (Gross National Product) to support a world wide program in a war on poverty. The war on poverty has work so well in the United States and the Un-United Nations did so well in the Oil For Food program what better way to show our willingness to cooperate than to copulate.

     I see a few problems with that do you??

          I say "Why should we support 25% of the Un-United Nations budget and let them come into this country to thumb their noses at our laws, are given a platform to lambast us as the great embody meant of evil, while their own people starve and when they leave they give us the finger for our efforts.

         Some have said that we should walk softly and carry a big stick. I say in the defense of freedom if you have to walk softly then you need a bigger Stick. There will be no peace on earth until all men are free. Free to work and earn a living in a world of free trade. While working they will as freemen be free from hunger and will afford to help others.

         I will have no more pretence of a new era of cooperation with the Un-United Nations. When has the Un-United Nations cooperated with us? What good did the Un-United Nations do when Russia invaded Hungry? What good have they done when every time a shot is fired they cut and run? If the only way to get-er done is to send in the Marines then make the U.S. Marines the biggest and the toughest and give them orders not to come back until all men are free. If the Marines run into any opposition then they most also have the biggest Air Force to back them up and the largest Navy to get them there and back. When that is done we can sit down with those willing to cooperate like we did in Japan and Germany and establish free trade for the benefit of all free nations. Until all men /woman are free everything else is a waste of time, money and effort.

There is no cooperation with tyranny as Chamberlain found out or have you so soon forgotten the lessons of history trying to be so politely politically correct.

Edward Uncle SamsSon DeFeller