To Be or Not to BE - That is the Question
My Fellow Americans
I Edward Uncle Sam'sSon DeFeller, like many of you, have solemnly sworn (or affirmed) that I would support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic; that I would (and still do) bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I would obey the Lawful orders of the President of the United States and the Lawful orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
I like you played the part that my country has asked of me in those great battles, where far too much blood has already been shed in the cause of Liberty, so men could live free.
I then returned home and laid down my Musket, my Enfield, my M-1 Grand and my M-16. Yes it is true that I have been relived from active service in Armed Forces of these United States, yet I have never been nor intend too be relived of my oath as a citizen of the United States of Americans.
We again stand at the door steps of destiny where the action we take right now will determine the future, not only for ourselves but for all mankind yet unborn. What steps we now take are of no trivial pursuit in a feel good waving of the flag.
We have no need, at this time, to again take up arms and shed blood in the cause of liberty, yet the battle before us is no less real. Our battles will not be fought on the green field of the town squares or on bloody hills in foreign lands as in times past. Our present conflict is a much harder war to wage; fore the battlefield will be found in all our gathering places from the kitchen table to the boardroom. The battle will be for the hearts and minds of the people.
Are we going to wait until the enemies of freedom, in the dark of the night, come for our guns and carry off our wives and children screaming into the street, before we stand and fight; once again being forced to take up arms in the defense of our freedom?
Heaven forbid we wait so long, before we wake up to the threat of the enemies of freedom that even now walk the floors of congress and the halls of justice. My Friends freedom is easier to retain than to be regained once lost.
I am not saying this is the time to grab our guns and gather in the streets. That is the trap they are now laying for us and are now trying to provoke in the streets in order to give them the excuse, in the name of the people and public safety, to declare marshal law and suspend our Constitutional rights and protections our patriot have died for and have handed down to us. Let this be a warning: Do not join in with the agitators of anarchy in protesting the coming austerity measures that are about to be force upon us as others have and are now doing.
We must join the fight however to preserve these protections given us so their blood and the blood, of their sons and our sons, that even now is being shed will not in the end be found to have been spent in vain. I will remind you that the only war we have lost (Viet Nam) was not lost on the battlefield of bloody conflict but on the Senate floor where now as I speak we are being severed up yet another such defeat.
We must now stand up with our pens in our hands and with one united voice open our mouths and shout for freedom, fair taxes and fiscal responsibility. We must demand that free market capitalism be the rule rather than exception, so we can continue on the same path that made this the greatest country for opportunity and prosperity for all men (and women also) in the history of the world. We must find good men (or Women) of honest integrity to take our message to the floors of our legislative bodies and demand that they read every bill before the signing of it into law in our name. Our laws should be written in a manner that even our grade school children are able to read and understand them.
I would have you enlist as an army of informed citizens in dismantling the laws for the privileged few that have been amended far too often to the peoples business in order to curry votes and favor.
As a wise man once said "I love the constitution but (to blazes with) the rascal who administer it."
I would that you will again take this oath with me.
I, (Your NAME), do again here and now solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the State of (Washington) against all enemies, both foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the Lawful orders of the President of the United States and the Governor of (Washington) and the Lawful orders of the officers appointed over me, according to law and regulations. So help me God.
Now in so swearing go and let your voices be heard loud and clear remembering that we out number them and no force is able to stand in the way of freedom in the hands of a people UNITED.
Mess with me buddy and I will invite you over for lunch
This picture reminds me of an eagle up in Alaska being fly-by buzzed by a pesky sea gull. On the first pass the old eagle just tip his head to the left slightly not moving below the neck. He looked like he was tired and just wanted to rest. On the second pass again with out hardly a ruffled feather his head bobbed a little to the right. Then however as the stupid gull came in for a third pass the eagles feet jump up and without a hint of movement of his head, he snatched that gull right out of the sky. I then turn to leave looking up there was the eagle with the most bored look on his face standing on the sea gull with a mouth full of feathers. For some reason the thought of Pizza Delivery comes to mind. But that's another story.
Keep you powder Dry and Vote for Freedom.
Yours as always
Edward Uncle Sam'sSon DeFeller