The High Office of Sheriff
The Office of High Sheriff has a long and honored tradition here in the United States as our Chief Law enforcement office. The man who holds this office needs to be a man of strength, integrity and above all a man who is a friend of and ready to defend "We the People". We the People also need to be ready to stand behind and support our Kitsap County Sheriff in the defense of liberty, public peace and security.
His Lordship the High Shire Reeve.
His Lordship was appointed by the King to watch over the interests and holdings of the King in the Shire which we using the French word and call the county. Tax collecting was his first and primary duty. The Shire Reeve only got into law enforcement after the Barons refused to pay their tax unless they received protection from the King. So by the authority of the King the Shire Reeve became the chief law enforcement agent of the, by the, and for the King.
County Sheriff
After the war of independence "We the People" as our own Kings and Queens electing our own replacement for the job of High Sheriff, Chief Law enforcement officer for people in County of Kitsap.
By Federal Law ever warrant served in the county is to be brought before a local judge to show probable cause and is to be served by our Chief Law enforcement officer.
Battle of Athens Tennessee (2 August 1947)
Retuning veterans' fresh home from freeing the world of tyranny found that their own county government was corrupt and need to be change. They set out to take back their county at the ballot box, shots were fired, and a pole worker (the only causality) died. The Veterans opened up national guard armory - with the help of the guy with the key - surrounded the court house and after heavy gun fire recovered the stolen ballot boxes. When the smoke cleared they had a new election and retuned home as peaceful citizens and patriots.
This article is one of the best I have seen cheek it out on the subject
Ruby Ridge and Waco
Of late there has been an alarming trend of federal intervention and resulting tragedies. To say little of the miscarriage of justice
On Ruby Ridge the U.S. marshals did not contact the County Sheriff as required. They latter said the reason for their not following the law was they feared the Militia. - Meaning us the armed populace.
In the end a young boy was shot in the back as he was running toward his home for safety and later his mother was shot and died standing behind the open door of her home holding her infant baby.
Randy Weaver latter was acquitted of all gun relate changes that had lead to his attempted arrest by the federal marshals and won a $3,000,000 settlement in the wrongful death suit of his wife, all at taxpayers expense.
The man who's shot Sara Weaver got a metal of valor from his government, is exempt from arrest and prosecution by the State of Idaho by order of the Federal Courts. The last I heard he was under federal protection, all at taxpayer's expense.
Ruby Ridge
I will not here review the case of Waco, where again the Local Sheriff was not doing his job. For the sake of time and space, I will refer you to refresh your memory at
NOW 2012
Will we see another free election?
NOW 2012
Will we see another free election?
Stewart Rhodes Speaks of Daily Bell's Internet Reformation on Info-wars
http:// Stewart-Rhodes-Speaks-of-Da ily-Bells-Internet-Reforma tion-on-Infowars
Oath-Keeper Stewart Rhodes on the Rise of Authoritarianism and How US Law Enforcement Can Take a Stand for Freedom 1541/ Oath-Keeper-Stewart-Rhodes- on-the-Rise-of-Authoritari anism-and-How-US-Law-Enfor cement-Can-Take-a-Stand-fo r-Freedom.html
Battlefield US: Pentagon arms police departments with free heavy weaponry police-weaponry-military-pe ntagon-205/
Yes they say “Well, yes, somebody may be locked up, but
we are confident that it won’t be good Americans”.
If you believe that I guess you are ready for the Jones Town Cool
Aid – Their Idea of good Americans I will bet dose not apply to the rest of US
And Here is another
And Here is another
Joe Arpaio Sheriff of Maricopa County
Then on the other hand there is the likes, of Sheriff Joe. Here we have a man who is under attack from all sides for doing the job he was elected. He stands tall and thumbs his nose at the A.C.L.U. telling them that he dose not work for the A.C.L.U, he works for the people of Maricopa County who elected him. If his prisoners do not like wearing pink underwear then they will just have to stop doing crimes in his county.
As I reviewed this article I was reminded of the words of— Socrates
"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser."
Sheriff Steve Boyer, protecting the citizens of Kitsap County since 1998
The question: Is Steve Boyer the right man for the Job that "We the People" of the Tea Party Patriots of Kitsap are willing to stand behind knowing he will Fight for us.
My job as your Minister of Propaganda and Information is not to recommend or indorse who you the informed are to vote for. I am only here to assemble the facts and ask the question.
My question is "What Say You?"
Address you comments, and complaints to